Your Giving Makes a Difference!

Why we give

Did you know money is mentioned in the Bible over 800 times?  God must be pretty serious about this subject to talk about it that much.  The Bible says in I Corinthains 4:7 “What do you have that God hasn’t given you”.

Jesus talked about money more than he did heaven.  In fact, Jesus says in Luke 16:11, “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?”  This verse shows us that God uses money as a test of our management and stewardship skills before entrusting us with spiritual things.

Paul goes on to tell us in 2 Corinthians 9:7 that God loves a cheerful giver.  Cheerful comes from the Greek word hilaros, from which we get our English word hilarious.   This shows that God desires and loves hilarious givers.

Sometimes when we think of giving we think of some regimented thing that we “have” to do.  It’s not that we have to do anything.  It’s what we get to do.  We should be excited to give and put God in His rightful place which is FIRST in our lives.  And as we put God first in our lives, Luke 16:11 tells us, God will trust us with more because he knows He can use us as a conduit through which He can give and bless.

You can give today safely and securely by clicking link below!

other ways to give

We have many safe, secure, and convenient ways for you to give!


Simply text the amount that you would like to give to:



You can mail your contribution to: 

P.O. Box 704

Hazlehurst, GA 31539


Give during our 10:30 Sunday morning service, or 7 PM on Wednesday night